How old is Carissa Culiner? When is Carissa Culiner's birthday? Where is Carissa Culiner born? Where did Carissa Culiner grow up from? What's Carissa Culiner's age?

Carissa Culiner Born: 1986 (age 37years)

Is Carissa Culiner married? When did Carissa Culiner get married? Who's Carissa Culiner's married to? (Who's Carissa Culiner's husband / wife)?

Carissa Culiner Spouse: Shanon Culiner (m. 2016)

Carissa Culiner is known for Daily Pop (2017), 2022 CMT Music Awards Red Carpet (2022) and E! News (1991). She has been married to Shanon Culiner since 3 June 2016. They have one child.

Carissa Culiner is known for Daily Pop (2017), 2022 CMT Music Awards Red Carpet (2022) and E! News (1991). She has been married to Shanon Culiner since 3 June 2016. They have one child.

Carissa Culiner is known for Daily Pop (2017), 2022 CMT Music Awards Red Carpet (2022) and E! News (1991). She has been married to Shanon Culiner since 3 June 2016. They have one child.
