"Real Housewives of New Jersey" newbie Rachel Fuda OWNS IT, BABY.

Fuda does not deny that she had her nose done in 2019. In fact, when Jennifer Aydin took it upon herself to ask her if her nose was indeed hers, Fuda copped to having work done right away. "No, I got my nose done," she answered matter of factly. Alas, Aydin's prying questions didn't end there. "Is it still..." Aydin asked slowly before Fuda finished her question for her. "Swelling?" Fuda asked. YIKES. It's worth noting that after the party, Aydin did call and apologize for interrogating her about the authenticity of her nose. "So we leave the mozz party, she calls me [and] she's like, 'Hey, I hope I didn't offend you by, like, bringing up your nose job. You know I'm just like not really happy with my results,'" Fuda later recounted over lunch to "RHONJ" friend of Jennifer Fessler.

Still, Fuda didn't stop there. In February, she had one more cosmetic procedure done...
