If you are looking for all 22 Cult Stash locations in Alan Wake 2, you can find them all with this guide. I’ll show you where you can find each stash and what rewards await.

Are you looking for hidden stashes in Alan Wake 2? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Now, the creepy Cult of the Tree left behind these hidden stashes filled with valuable supplies. You can find ammo, healing items, and even unique weapons to fight against the Taken.

In this guide, I’ll walk you through all 22 Cult Stashes in Alan Wake 2. No matter where the stashes are, from the wooded hillsides of Cauldron Lake, to the eccentric amusement park rides of Watery, to the atmospheric streets of Bright Falls.

Read More: Battery Amps Stash Puzzle Solution: Alan Wake 2

All Cult Stash in Alan Wake 2

Cauldron Lake Cult Stash #1

Cauldron LakeSouth of General Store‣ Handgun Ammo
‣ Trauma Pad

Cauldron Lake Cult Stash #2

Cauldron LakeRight below Private Cabin‣ Hand Flare
‣ Propane Tank
‣ First Aid Kit

Cauldron Lake Cult Stash #3

Cauldron LakeCauldron Lake Shore‣ Inventory Expansion
‣ Propane Tank
‣ Hand Flare
‣ Shotgun Ammo

Cauldron Lake Cult Stash #4

Cauldron LakeRental Cabins‣ Handgun Ammo
‣ Trauma Pad

Cauldron Lake Cult Stash #5

Cauldron LakeNorth of Crow’s Foot Hills‣ Hand Flare
‣ Shotgun Ammo
‣ Trauma Pad

Watery Cult Stash #1

WateryNorth of Downtown‣ Propane Tank
‣ Shotgun Shells

Watery Cult Stash #2

WaterySlow Roaster in Coffee World‣ Handgun Ammo
‣ Shotgun Shells

Watery Cult Stash #3

WateryHunting Shack‣ Crossbow

Watery Cult Stash #4

WateryHuotari Well in Coffee World‣ Handgun Ammo
‣ Shotgun Shells
‣ Arrow Bolt

Watery Cult Stash #5

WateryTrailer Park‣ Crossbow Bolt
‣ Propane Tank
‣ Trauma Pad

Watery Cult Stash #6

WateryOn the Cliff, opposite of Lighthouse Break Room‣ Propane Tank
‣ Handgun Ammo
‣ Arrow Bolt

Watery Cult Stash #7

WateryDowntown Watery‣ Crossbow Bolt
‣ Shotgun Shells
‣ Trauma Pad

Watery Cult Stash #8

WateryKavala Knights Workshop‣ Hand Flare
‣ Flashbang
‣ Shotgun Shells
‣ Rifle Ammo

Bright Falls Cult Stash #1

Bright FallsOutside of Elderwood Palace Lodge‣ Pistol Ammo
‣ Shotgun Shells
‣ Trauma Pad

Bright Falls Cult Stash #2

Bright FallsEastern Bunker Woods‣ Hand Flare
‣ Propane Tank
‣ Shotgun Shells

Bright Falls Cult Stash #3

Bright FallsNorth of Bunker Woods’ eastern Break Room‣ Rifle Ammo
‣ First Aid Kit
‣ Hand Flare

Bright Falls Cult Stash #4

Bright FallsWestern Bunker Woods‣ Hand Flare
‣ Shotgun Shells

Bright Falls Cult Stash #5

Bright FallsRanger Station‣ Rocket Flare
‣ Flashbang
‣ Rifle Ammo

Bright Falls Cult Stash #6

Bright FallsSouthern Bunker Woods‣ Rocket Flare
‣ Flashbang
‣ Rifle Ammo

Bright Falls Cult Stash #7

Bright FallsHarbor Street dock‣ Inventory expansion

Bright Falls Cult Stash #8

Bright FallsSheriff’s Station Evidence Room‣ Lighthouse Key
‣ Rifle Ammo
‣ Shotgun Shells
‣ Flashbang
‣ Rocket Flare

Bright Falls Cult Stash #9

Bright FallsYard beside Oh Deer Diner‣ Hand Flare
‣ Flashbang

What happens after you collect all Cult Stash?

Here are the rewards for collecting all the Cult Stashes in Alan Wake 2:

  • Increased ammo capacity for all weapons
  • More healing items to survive enemy encounters
  • Powerful utility items like flares and flashbangs
  • Unique weapons such as the crossbow
  • 3 inventory expansions to carry more items
  • The lighthouse key to access more supplies
  • The “Hidden by the Trees” achievement/trophy

Also, check out Witchfinders Station Computer PasswordSawed-Off Shotgun Padlock CodeOceanview Hotel Door Code, and many more!
